"Scivo" is not a word in Italian. It may be a misspelling or a slang term. Can you provide more context or information about where you encountered this word?
It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money
Esta fuchila."Ess-tah foo-chee-lah"This is the Spanish slang word (fuchi, fuchila) for gross or disgusting.A formal term for nasty or gross is desagradable(unpleasant).
Buzz IS a slang word.
The slang word for brother is "bro" or "bruh."
It means it looks disgusting.
This word "Slang" is an abbreviation of "Sick Language" i.e. SLANG. and in slang "Sick" means "Cool".
The slang word for clothes is "threads."
The slang word for "no" is "nah."
"Pooch" is a common slang word for dog.
I don' think that there is a slang word for rude.
Fliver IS a slang word - it means an automobile.