that tells you that the engine is overheating you should have it checked at your local dealer
don't worry it means that you are in 'Sport' mode you can change it by pressing on mode button no the gear-pad PS: sport mode Burns a lot of gas.
there is no difference between a landrover 200 tdi and a discovery tdi ! A 200tdi is a discovery tdi . I think you mean what is the difference between a 200 tdi and a 300 tdi,in which case not a lot ,apart from slightly different engine and box ,rear lights and bumper and head lights and grille. basically the same motor apart from these few things
wat does it mean
Sport mode
no water
It is a glitch that land rover refuse to recognise Google it for more info.
The oil temperature light usually means that the temperature of the oil has reached a dangerous point. The oil temperature light will alert the operator to turn off the engine.
when the temperature light is green means that the engine is cold and needs to be warmed up.
your car is over heating
Color temperature refers to how light is measured. Each color in the spectrum has a different light temperature. This fact has ramifications for both artists and scientists.
automatic transmission oil temperature warning light
If it comes on it means the temperature of your engine is too hot. Your engine is overheating.