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it means 330 cubic inches

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Q: What does the number mean in 5.4 liter fuel injection?
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That means you have a 2.2 liter, in-line 4 cylinder engine with electronic fuel injection.

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What does tpi mean on Corvette?

It's a type of fuel injection. It stands for "Tuned Port Injection."

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CRDI is an abbreviation for common rail direct fuel injection. This is a direct fuel injection system that is used in diesel and petrol engines.

What does fsi mean for an engine?

FSI or Fuel Stratified Injection is another term for Direct Injection where the fuel is injected directly into the cylinder instead of the intake tract.

What does pgm-fi mean in a Honda accord?

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What is the effect of advanced fuel injection timing on brake mean effective pressure?

The fuel injection timing in a gas engine will not affect the mean effective pressure. In a diesel engine is the principal factor managing the bmep. In a gas engine the fuel injection timing have to match the events of valve opening or tuned induction but have nothing to do with mean effective pressure.

Does sequential fuel injection mean?

Sequential fuel injection uses an extra wire in the harness that controls each injector individually, unlike conventional multi-port fuel injection where injectors are fired in "banks" or groups. The result is better efficiency and power.

What does sequential fuel injection mean?

Sequential fuel injection uses an extra wire in the harness that controls each injector individually, unlike conventional multi-port fuel injection where injectors are fired in "banks" or groups. The result is better efficiency and power.

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fuel Injection

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computer controlled fuel injection system

What does PGM-FI mean on a 1986 Honda Prelude?

Programed Fuel Injection