The 8th digit from the right is the vehicle year. The 8th digit from the left is engine code on most vehicles.
The eighth digit in the vehicle identification number denotes the engine size
The eighth digit of the vin number is the engine code.
On a Ford Escort , if the eighth digit of your VIN is a " P " that means you have a SOHC ( Single Over Head Cam ) engine
The eighth character is the engine type.
The first character the VIN number identifies the country from which the vehicle was manufactured. Second VIN digit specifies the manufacturer. The third VIN digit indicates the vehicle type or manufacturing division. The fourth through eighth VIN digit reveals the vehicle features such as body style, engine type, model, series, etc. The ninth VIN digit is a VIN accuracy check digit, verifying the previous VIN numbers. The tenth VIN digit tells the model year. The eleventh VIN digit reveals the assembly plant for the vehicle. The twelfth to seventeenth VIN digits indicate the sequence of the vehicle for production as it rolled of the manufacturers assembly line.
If the eighth digit in the vehicle identification number (VIN) is "U", it's a 3.0L. If the eighth digit is "X", it's a 4.0L.
This is the mathematically determined check digit to insure that vin numbers are correctly formated and not falsified.
Please see the VIN number chart from SAE.(Worldwide standard for VIN.....)
The eighth digit in the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is the engine code.
the eighth digit from right to left is a X . You have a 1999 model....
Any year Saturn that has an identical eighth digit in VIN as your car.
If it's the rear wheel drive, then 140 for the VIN Y engine and 180 for the VIN 9 engine (check the eighth digit).