A1 is a British electroplating hallmark and means superior quality. As this hallmark is for silver pieces and there is no mark allowed for gold plaiting it is most likely that you have a high quality silver plated piece that was further plated with gold. This is allowed under British law.
14 carat gold
62.5 % gold
Gold electroplate. Not gold.
The Stamp YAG Means Gold Coated Silver
It is the measurement, in mils, of the thickness of the gold plating used.
What does gfm stamp mean on a gold chain necklace
The stamp KG on Sterling silver indicates that there is a gold inlay. The KG is an acronym for karat gold.
It is the measurement, in mils, of the thickness of the gold plating used.
It is 99.99% pure gold this is the finest purity gold can be refined to.