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the state in which the applicant signed the application.

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Q: What does signed at state mean on Insurance paperwork?
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What does signed at state on insurance papers mean?

On insurance papers, signed at state simply means the person who is purchasing the insurance signed the legal document. These usually need to be signed in front of a notary.

What is the term unadmitted insurance company mean?

Admitted insurance is an insurance company that has been approved by a state's insurance department. Admitted insurance varies by state.

Who signed bills in to laws?

The Executive. If you mean Federal laws, that would be the President. State laws are signed into law by the Governor of the state.

What does state insurance mean?

It is an insurance company based in New Zealand. They were formally known as the State Insurance Office and the State Fire and Accident Office. State Insurance was bought by Insurance Australia Group and now is considered a subsidiary.

What does SUI on a pay stub mean?

Its State Unemployment Insurance

Where do you not need car insurance?

Assume you mean what state? All states have either insurance or financial responsiblity laws.

What does 'consent to rate' mean on a workman's comp bill?

Consent to Rate means that the insurance company must have the consent of the insured (i.e. by a signed form) to charge higher than the filed (with the State, if applicable in your state) rate. **** More information** To elaborate on the above answer, Florida is a good example of a state that allows Consent to Rate - these forms must be signed prior to binding. the resons for consent to rate would be Unable to Obatin Coverage at the filed rate, Unfavorable loss experience, unusual hazards or claims activity and such. Source: Commercial Insurance Workers Compensation Expert

I am going to school out of state got a license in that state but have a car registered in my name from another state does that mean you need to get a new vehicle tag and insurance from that state?

well i think you might need to change your insurance but not the tags necessarilly

What does sp3 mean for Calif inmate?

SP3 means that there was a sentence to State Prison and all the inmate's paperwork has been processed and he/she waiting for transportation to the Department of Corrections.

What is UIA?

UIA is an abbreviation for the Unemployment Insurance Agency for the State of Michigan. Unemployment insurance is a form of social insurance that is issued by the UIA.

What does monopolistic states mean for workers compensation?

It means there is a monopoly of insurance carriers- One carrier. That is usually a state government agency. If you have employees in that state covered by Worker's Comp, you must buy insurance coverage from that state agency.

What does que mira en la papeleria mean in English?

It means, "...that looks in the paperwork..." As a question, it means, "What do you/does he/she see in the paperwork?"