

What does severally liable mean?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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The term severally liable means that a person, company, or place is responsible for the upkeep of an establishment, property, or service. If the person, company, or place is not following the responsibilities they are liable which means they can be sued for money.

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What does severally mean?

The term severally liable means that a person, company, or place is responsible for the upkeep of an establishment, property, or service. If the person, company, or place is not following the responsibilities they are liable which means they can be sued for money.

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Yes; parents are jointly and severally liable for the support of their children.

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Any general partner is jointly and severally liable for all debts of the general partnership; limited partners are not liable. This means that all general partners are equally liable for partnership debts and any creditor can go after any of the partners to collect. Limited partners are not liable beyond their contributions.

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Sue them both, plus the driver, plus their respective insurance companies, and let the court find them "jointly and severally liable," so you don't care which one of them actually has to pay.

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Ypu are severally uneducated to think we dont

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ordinary:in an ordinary partnership the partners are jointly and severally liable for the debts of the undertaking. extra ordinary:where the liability of the partners towards third parties are limited

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Some advantages of a partnership business is that the gains and losses are shared, you share the resposibilities, and it's easy to set up. But some disadvantages to a partnership business is that each partner is 'jointly and severally' liable for the partnership's debts; that is, each partner is liable for their share of the partnership debts as well as being liable for all the debts, there is a risk of disagreements and friction among partners and management, and each partner is an agent of the partnership and is liable for actions by other partners

Can a non wage garnishment be placed on a llc?

Yes it can. If the creditor files a wage garnishment to a protected LLC and that LLC fails to respond or respond properly, a court can and will hold the LLC jointly and severally liable for the entire debt owed to the creditor.

What is it called when each person is liable for all debts of the business?

Jointly and severally is a legal term describing a partnership in which individual decisions are bound to all parties involved and thus undivided. If any partner is unable to share in a debt the others become responsible for that partner’s share.

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What does you are a person who is liable to be detained mean?

it means that you are liable (or most likely) to be detained (or arrested/ placed into custody). Hope this helps