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Literally "Clock marks"

It is part of the statement when telling time. "The clock says..."

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Q: What does reloj marca mean in English?
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What does reloj mean in spanish?

In Spanish, it means "Reloj." In English, it means "wristwatch."

What is the translated definition of the Spanish word 'reloj'?

The translation of 'reloj' in English is 'clock' or 'watch'.

What does the Spanish word 'reloj' mean?

"Reloj" in Spanish means "watch" or "clock."

How do you pronounce reloj?

Reloj is pronounced "reh-loh." The "r" is rolled, and the "j" is pronounced like the "ch" in the English word "church."

What is the name 'Marca' when translated from Italian to English?

"Marcia" is an English equivalent of the Italian name Marca. The proper noun in question serves as the feminine equivalent of Marco ("Mark"). The pronunciation will be "MAR-ka" in Italian.

What does tempo di marca mean?

"March tempo."

When was Radio Reloj created?

Radio Reloj was created in 1947.

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It means, "the mark of the devil."

What is 'marca' when translated from Italian to English?

"Brand name" is an English equivalent of the Italian word marca. The feminine singular noun also translates into English as "border district," "duty stamp," or "tax stamp" in other Italian contexts. Regardless of meaning or use, the pronunciation will be "MAR-ka" in Italian.

What is the birth name of Errssell Marca?

Errssell Marca's birth name is Jos Errssell Marca Montes.

What does que llevas tu mean in spanish?

"Que llevas tu" in Spanish translates to "What are you wearing?" in English.

What does Donde esta el roloj mean?

"¿Dónde está el reloj?" means "Where is the clock?"