

What does recon complete mean?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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It means: Recondition is complete. This usually applies to an item or something that has been previously used. For example, a broken T.V. that someone has put new parts in and made to work like new.

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Q: What does recon complete mean?
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I want to get recon i asked one of my friends he said you complete the ODST campaign on lendgerndary?

Yes that is if you want recon in ODST if you want Recon In Halo 3 you need to complete the vidmaster challenges.Hope i helped.

How do you unlock recon armor on halo 3?

To get the recon armor you have to complete all the vidmaster achievements in halo3 and halo3 odst.

If you test for bungie will they give you recon armor?

Probably, but it is unlikely now that they've announced that if you complete all the vidmaster achievements then you will get recon after completing their new game, Halo 3: Recon

How do you unlock recon armour in Halo 3?

complete all vidmaster achievements

What is a RECON award?

It's an armor awarded by Bungie when you complete a list of achievements they have out for it.

How do you get recon armer on Halo 3?

Lucky for you, there is now a way to easily unlock recon armor. There are a few steps you must complete to unlock Recon armor in Halo 3. 1. Buy Halo 3: ODST 2. Create a bungie account. 3. Complete the vidmaster achievements on Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST. There are 7 in all. 4. Under your account preferences, click Unlock Recon. You should now have recon armor. RUB IT IN THEIR FACES!!!

What are cools ways to get recon armor?

there are no "cool" ways to get recon armor. recon armor is perhaps the most difficult thing to get in halo 3. there are two ways to get it. 1 is a bungie player will randomly choose someone to fight 1on1 with them. you have to beat them in it to get recon. or, 2, complete all the vidmaster challenges.(must have all map packs)

What does recon mean?

It means: Recondition is complete. This usually applies to an item or something that has been previously used. For example, a broken T.V. that someone has put new parts in and made to work like new.

How do you get recon armor?

You can get Recon Armor in various ways, 1. Do something good 2. Do something amazing in Matchmaking 3. Complete all 7 Vidmasters 4. Get something in Bungie favorites WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT ASK BUNGIE

Is recon armor in Halo 3 free?

When HALO 3: ODST comes out, you can either complete all vidmaster achievements or you can HEX EDIT your profile to unlock all achievements. send me a film and I can mod it for you and Give you any armor you want including the flaming BUNGIE chest piece and RECON. [FOR SHOWS ONLY] BUNGIE armor film limit 10 -18 seconds and must be FILM not CLIP.

What is recon armor in halo 3?

It is armour that you have to complete all 7 vidmaster achievements to get, or impress bungie with something, or work for bungie.

What does paint mean for recon perk in mw3?

When you hit an enemy with an explosive (or bullets with recon pro) device but does not kill him, his location will thenceforth be painted on everyone on your teams minimap until he dies.