There should be more explanation than just a code number on the legal notice of rejection of your auto insurance. Look on the bottom of the page or the back and there should be a list of the codes with an explanation of what they mean. If not, just call your agent and see what went wrong. If they are an independent agent like we are they may have many different companies in which to choose from and not just one like the captive agents who are employees of the insurance company.
isufficient funds
what does D mean on your national insurance code
nd is the code for Visa/Mastercard
if you mean 003007 then it is National Casualty Insurance Company in Wisconsin
I had a check to Walmart declined for reason 02 by Telecheck . Telecheck was called and they said that reason 02 means that it is a "store" issue not Telecheck. They had no records showing the check in question was declined. I was told to take the check (this is a company check) back and retry it. The check was declined a second time and Telecheck says once again it's a Walmart issue. I look closely at the slip showing it has been declined and notice the slip shows that the routing number is showing as the account number!! So the point is that reason 02, per Telecheck, is a STORE issue.
Failure to provide insurance
llong term rental ?
There are multiple reasons why a credit card could be declined. The most common reason is that there were insufficient funds available on the card. Other reasons could be that the store doesn't accept that card, or that there is an alert placed on the card for that type of store.
The insurance code 989 on a police report typically indicates that the person involved in the car accident does not have insurance or is an uninsured motorist. The specific details might vary depending on the jurisdiction and the police department's reporting system. However, it generally signifies that the driver does not have the required insurance coverage at the time of the accident. It's important to note that the insurance code 989 might not necessarily mean that the person never had insurance or that they are uninsurable. It could simply indicate that they did not have insurance at the time of the accident.
Apparent multiple meanings but in at least some caes it means "Coverage Not Wanted"
what does mean marine insurance
You need to clarify what you mean by except for.