En el primer piso
piso significa losa
"Piso" can have different meanings depending on the context. In Spanish, "piso" can mean floor or apartment. In Filipino, "piso" refers to the currency unit equivalent to 100 centavos.
"I am on the first floor."
It means 'floor', in the sense of a level in the building, e.g. vive en el primer piso = he lives on the first floor. It can also mean flat, apartment, thus: Mi piso es en el primer piso = my flat is on the first floor. 'Floor' in the sense of 'ground' is 'el suelo', e.g. En el suelo de mi piso hay una alfombra = On the floor of my flat there's a carpet
tercer piso
floor in Spanish is piso
"Barrer el piso" means to sweep the floor in Spanish. It involves using a broom to clean dirt and debris off the floor surface.
'One floor', also 'a/one flat/apartment'.