Literally translated, it means: "Please, to vacuum office." -- and has no true meaning in Spanish (though if said to a Spanish-speaking person, they would understand you, and probably have a good laugh at your expense)
To say it properly, you would either say:
(Haz) Favor de aspirar la oficina or
Por favor aspire la oficina.
Note the ending change on the second sentence choice. The verb is being used as a command and therefore, giving the context of the sentence, one would assume that it should be spoken in the Usted.
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No limpie la oficina (por favor).
"Pollo, por favor" is Spanish for "Chicken, please."
its por favor... spanish for please. directly translated, it would mean 'for a favor'.
(Repitan, por favor.) It's a demand. Repitan means REPEAT. And then Por favor of course is manners which is PLEASE. So, it's telling you to Repeat, please. Repitan, por favor.
"Por" translates (more or less) to English "for".
Silence, please
its por favor... spanish for please. directly translated, it would mean 'for a favor'.
"Kiss me, please."
It is Spanish for "bitch please"
please don't leave me