Ponyboy discovers that one of the Socs who was in the car was Cherry Valance, a Soc girl he had met previously and who had helped him during the rumble. He also realizes that the Socs are not all bad and that they have their own struggles and problems.
ponyboy and johnny stole the socs' girls. the socs beat them up almost drowned ponyboy
Ponyboy gets cut on the neck when he struggles to get away from the Socs.
for ponyboy the socs are rich and cool ,and the greaser are the poor ones
Ponyboy doesn't think that the Greasers are better than the Socs or that the Socs are better than the Greasers. Ponyboy thinks calmly.
When ponyboy sees the three socs get out of their car he smashes the eng of his pop bottle and threatens them. This is different then the old pony because he was always quiet and never voluntarily used violence.
Ponyboy rebels against Darry and the Socs.
she finds out the socks have a magical potion in them that would allow her to eat broccoli whenever she wanted to without getting the lightbulbs from the sapien. when she tossed the bananas out of the window the apples became angry and put rabbits in cannons and fired them at the castle. the castle fell and under it was a great treasure chest with millions of peices of goat cheese.
the socs attack johnny and ponyboy because johnny and ponyboy were with there girlfriends
Why doesn’t Ponyboy feel scared when the Socs approach him in the parking lot?
the socs beat up ponyboy because he was from the eastside of town and everyone from there are called the greasers and no one likes them,
Darry his older brother, got mad and hit him