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Personal lines refers to Property and Casualty insurance for an indivdiual as opposed to a business. These would include Homeowners, Renters, Auto, Personal Umbrella etc.

If you are looking to become a personal lines insurance agent, you need to review your the insurance license requirements. Your state insurance department may or may not have a study requirement to complete "X" number of credit hours to take the state exam before selling personal lines insurance policies.

For example, Alabama Department of Insurance requires 20 Course Hours online for Personal Lines insurance licensing before registering for the exam with the state board. You may take Self-Study, Online or Classroom courses.

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Q: What does personal lines insurance mean?
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Is life insurance personal lines insurance?

No personal lines refers to personal property and casualty coverage like homeowners, renters, auto and personal umbrella coverage.

What is the difference between a personal lines agent and a general lines agent?

A personal lines agent deals with homeowners and auto insurance. A general lines agent deals with commercial insurance, bail bonds, life, accident, and health insurance.

What does line person mean?

Personal lines refers to Property and Casualty insurance for an indivdiual as opposed to a business. These would include Homeowners, Renters, Auto, Personal Umbrella etc. If you are looking to become a personal lines insurance agent, you need to review your the insurance license requirements. Your state insurance department may or may not have a study requirement to complete "X" number of credit hours to take the state exam before selling personal lines insurance policies. For example, Alabama Department of Insurance requires 20 Course Hours online for Personal Lines insurance licensing before registering for the exam with the state board. You may take Self-Study, Online or Classroom courses.

What is a personal lines csr?

A personal lines customer service representative offers insurance services for consumers. They sell products like life and health insurance directly to people.

What is a personal lines insurance agent?

A Personal Lines Insurance Agent is a person who sells you insurance for your home, boat, car, motorcycle, umbrella, rental dwelling, vacant property, things that you own personally and not used in business.

Is a CSR required to be licensed in the state of Nevada for personal lines insurance?


Will your car be covered by your employers insurance if you have an accident using your own car for them?

Generally no, and it could get a little interesting if you are running errands for your employer. Your personal auto insurance policy does not cover commercial use. You need a commercial lines policy, not personal lines.

In what divisions is the Lexington Insurance Company involved?

The Lexington Insurance Company is involved in the following divisions: casualty, programs, healthcare, property, captives/ART, and personal lines insurance.

What is a 20-44 Florida insurance license?

It is the St of FL Personal Lines Insurance Lic. Basically you can service and sell insurance with this lic. for Auto, Home and small vessels.

Who has the best insurance for construction and renters ins?

It is not likely you will find a single insurer with the best offering for both of these insurance categories. Construction Insurance is a Commercial lines Policy while Renters Insurance Is a Personal Lines Policy. That's kinda like trying to mix apples and oranges.

Does personal lines insurance include homeowners' associations?

If you are speaking of insurance for the association and the common areas owner by the association, no; it would be a commercial property policy that is implicated. The condo dwellers themselves are in the private market. That being said, the policy form used for condo dwellers is sometimes different from that used by a single family home.

What does journal mean on an insurance invoice?

it means something that u write in about your personal things