can mean alot...take it to a professional and if it starts blinking, pull over and call a tow truck.....
How do you reset 2008 honda element service light?
A ( 2004 to 2006 ) Chrysler Pacifica 3.5 litre V6 engine has a timing BELT A ( 2006 to 2008 ) Chrysler Pacifica 3.8 litre V6 engine has a timing CHAIN A ( 2007 and 2008 ) Chrysler Pacifica 4.0 litre V6 has a timing BELT
why is my service 4 wheel drive light on on my 2008silverado
It ceased production in the 2008 model year.
take a hammer to the light
Resetting a service engine light on a 2008 Volkswagen r32 requires a diagnostic tool to be done properly. Another way requires disconnecting the battery for 5 seconds or more.
Resetting an 2008 Audi A3 TDI service light can be done two ways. One by addressing the problem and the other way is to unhook the battery cables for up to a minute.
No, 200,000 miles is average life
3.8L has a chain 3.5L and 4.0L have timing belts.
You have to repair the cause of the code that put it in limp mode.
I have an 08 Liberty and the procedure is: turn key to on position but do not start engine. Press the gas pedal 3 times to the floor in less than 10 seconds. Turn key to off. Light should be out when you restart. Systems are probably similar on the Cherokee.
See Hyundai Technical Service Bulletin #08-FL-007 dated July 2008.