Per occurance means for one event or one incident. Aggregate means the total it will pay out for the entire policy period.
In NJ, for a $2,000,000 aggregate and a $1,000,000 per occurance, we pay about $12,000 a year. That's with a totally clean record and 8 years in business.
UMBI means coverage for bodily injury to you and the occupants of your vehicle in the event you are injured by an uninsured driver, $20,000 per person and $40,000 maximum per occurance. If he is insured, his liability will cover this.
occurance means "how often something happens or occurs"
Per Occurrence in insurance means its time an event occurs. Consumers often see this on auto insurance, when they find out the deductible amount they will pay each time they have a wreck.
there was an occurance when a boy broke his leg
BIPD means bodily injury and property damage coverage (this is liability coverage; that for which you are legally liable in the event of an accident). 25/50/25 means coverage of $25,000 per person to a maximum of $50,000 per occurance for injury you may cause to persons, and $25,000 coverage for property damage (damage to the other car, fence, mailbox, etc.. anything other than a person). 20/40 UMBI means coverage for bodily injury to you and the occupants of your vehicle in the event you are injured by an uninsured driver, $20,000 per person and $40,000 maximum per occurance. If he is insured, his liability will cover this.
This does mean expenses are not covered by insurance. If this is what the divorce decree says, then you are responsible for these bills.
On a health plan that is the limit the insurance company will pay over any period of time.
No great significance should be attached to that occurance.
If you mean mortgage protection it is usually the amount you require per month eg £100 of insurance cover per month might be £6 per £100 for example If you are talking about bldgs insurance then the lender should tell you in their estimation of how much the property would costs to rebuild and you should insure this for a minimum of that amount.
Sometimes defines an infrequent occurance. Often defines a frequent occurance.
how much is 1,000,000 cargo insurance per year per truck