

What does overalls mean?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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It means everything that happend like retelling.


The word "overall" does NOT mean "all" or "everything". It is closer to meaning "mostly" or "majority", or "over the entirety" or "over the whole of" something.

Let's look at some examples of where you might see the use of "overall".

  1. Outside is a tree that has a few brown leaves, some yellow leaves, and the majority of leaves are green. You could say, "Overall, the leaves of this tree are green."
  2. A classroom has 39 students. Nine (9) students like a certain movie; two (2) students thought the movie was "stupid"; 28 students thought the movie told a good story with excellent special effects. You could say, "The overall opinion of the 39 students was that the movie told a good story with excellent special effects."
  3. A certain book describes the life of "Callie", a young girl who struggled with sadness after her mother died but found hope in painting. Although the book contained descriptions of Callie's sadness and grieving, it focused primarily on how Callie used her paintings to express her deep hope in the future and that despite her sadness, she felt the future had the promise of good things. So, the overall tone of the book is one of hope.
  4. In performing a play, different scenes showed different aspects of World War II. A narrator read parts of the main character's diary. The audience came away thinking about the "overall effect" the play made emotionally, rather than focusing on one character, one scene, or one specific point the play tried to make.
  5. A school uses a standardized test that is broken into parts: English and Grammar, General Math, and Science. Each section is scored separately, then the three scores are combined to create an "overall score".
  6. A mother has a primary role of being a "mother". But, moms also fill the roles of nurse when her child is sick; a teacher helping her child to learn; a confidant to listen to her child's ideas; a driver as she transports her child to after-school activities; etc. But a mother's overall role is still "Mom".
  7. No trend is followed by all persons, everywhere. For example, in the 1980s and again in the 1990s and currently, more middle-aged persons were going back to college. But, not "all" middle-aged persons entered college. Yet, the overall trend was that many middle-aged persons attended college as they sought a new career.
  8. A high school student was "a good student overall". She had some average grades (C or C+), many high grades (B or B+), and some higher grades (A or A+). Overall, she wasn't the best-- or the worst--- student. But overall, she was a good student with a solid B average.
  9. Mr. Stevens, an 8th grade teacher, was viewed differently by different students. Some said he was "mean" because he expected students to learn; others said he was "nice" because he really explained the topic. Overall, though, most students decided he was "a great teacher" because the students learned from him.
  10. An outfit was made of different fabrics. The shirt was a cotton-polyester blend. The shirt had a gold-colored trim made of a different material on the pockets. Overall, based on percentages given on the manufacturing tag, a student could see that the shirt was primarily (or overall) made of cotton.

The examples go on and on.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Overalls are a type of work clothing that is put on over your regular clothes. They are worn to keep your regular clothes from getting dirty while you are working.

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We know overalls should have buttons, however Corduroy The Bear does have two buttons on his overalls.

Why does overalls have to have buttons?

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