The forced characterization of placing and attaching a group with a message in such a way as to blur the message the group is presenting. To negatervize it and the group
other word tnat mean multiplication
what does the term "other hearing" mean in the court of law
hmm, what do you mean over and over other girls ?
"Other" of "the others"
he mean of ten numbers is 58. If one of the numbers is 40, what is the mean of the other nine?
It mean that two people who care about each other are apart and wish they were together.
A mean is an average. You add all numbers together and divide by the number of numbers. Otherwise it could be the other kind of Mean eg, you are mean to other people on the street/school.
It is meaningless to me. ❓
Can mean political campaigners slinging mud at each other, one opinion is as bad as the other
other words that mean grandmother are nany,and momow
d'autres mean other, for example if u were to say : beaucoup d'autres endroits (many other places)