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awkward means clumsy and weird

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Q: What does okward mean?
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What happens at every okward silence?

At every okward silence a gay baby is born.. that's what my friend told me

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chemical weathering is okward

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You will have to know him and he is already found someone and that is Symone Johonson she is 9 and he is turning 13 July 8th.........okward

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Tenten is 13-14 years old in Naruto, and she is 16-17 years old in Naruto Shippuden.

Why would a guy who says he has no feelings for his ex hide hickeys he got from a girl he says he likes from his ex?

the guy feels okward.....wouldnt you ?the point is some guys could be confused on where or who they can tend to choose who they want to be with

What is does weird mean?

umm... probably different? haha well that's my best guess,but if you DON'T like it you can NOTchange my answer!!

Why can't you move in your dream?

dreams are like out of body experiances. for everyone it is different. for me i can move in my dream it all depends on how your life is. see if u feel stressed out one day then your dream is going to be a bit okward or confusing like"why cant i move" or "why cant i stop this?" if you had a good day then your dreams will be normal or better depending on how good a day it was... if this bothers you alot.. i would seriously consider going to a sleep doctor ................. sweet dreams

How do you ask a guy out with a note?

First of all you shouldn't ask him out if you know he isn't into you. Also try not to make it okward for him and if he doesnt answer right away don't have people bug him about it.Now back to your question, if you are going to ask him out in a note it might be hard to figure out what to write ( i know it would be for me). You should keep it sweet and to the point and just ask him, if you over think it it will be alot more nerve-racking for you.

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.

What does descriptor mean?

It mean what you don't what does it mean.

Is an arithmetic mean a weighted mean or a weighted mean an arithmetic mean?

The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.