hi, it means name of the user in english, it is written in french...
"Nom nom nom" is internet slang for "eat"
Nom Nom = Breast or Milk
Nom nom (or noms) is a term to mean food or eating. Epic in this case serves as an intensifer; the word epic doesn't really mean much in and of itself, but instead modifies nom nom in the same way very or really would. So, basically, epic nom nom means means great food.
"Mon nom" means "my name" in French.
"le nom du" means "the name of the ..." in English.
épelle ton nom - spell your name
The French word 'nom ' - means 'name' in English.
'nom de mon...' means "name of my..." (+ masculine noun)
yes there is and the only lyrics is nom nom nom by parrie gripp
Nom- Verb/Adjective- Nom is a phrase used when eating. If something is nom, it is tasty. To nom something is to eat something. Nom is the shortened word for omnom.You would say NOM NOM is something taste good or you like something. Eg. Taylor Lautner- nom nom
The prefix 'nom' means name. For example: - misnomer - nominate - nominal - nom de plume (which means " a pen name") etc...
nom = name de = of famille = family so 'Nom de famille' means name of your family or surname.