M2di is mahindra vehicle engine name , its mean mahindra 2 valve per cylinder direct ingnitions.this engine is using by scorpio, bolero etc.
di engine with turbo charger
di engine with turbo charger
m2di technology is basically the engine is made up of mixing the engine technology of mhawk crde & turbo. basically the engine is of bollero di engine and the torque which gives power to the engine is of mhawk. thanks salahuddin khan
Stands for a 3.5 liter engine, basically just denotes the size of the engine. Stands for a 3.5 liter engine, basically just denotes the size of the engine.
ECM stands for engine control module / COMPUTER
Cubic centimeters.
I.C. engine stands for Internal Combustion engine that cars, trucks, and airplanes use.
C Stands for Compression Engine, J is for EPA Tier IV or Euro Stage IV above type engine. 4 stands for 4 stroke engine
SI stands for Spark Ignition. eg. Petrol Engine.
A stands for low profile oil pan S stands for electric start
The ect stands for engine coolant temperature. It is the sensor that lets the computer know how warm the engine is.
there is no engine vin vin stands for vehicle identification number