101Improved Answer:-It is: lxi or LXI = 61
If you go out and compare the 2 cars u will find out which car is better.
It is: lxi or LXI are both equal to 61
luxury xtreme i dont know
timing diagram for lxi
LXI = 61
It is: LXI = 61
IV-MMMLXI or do you mean 43,061 in which case it is (XLIII)LXI Numerals in brackets indicate multiplication by a thousand. (XLIII)LXI = 43*1000+61 = 43,061
It is: 61 = LXI
There was not a 1999 Honda Accord LXi made. Do you have a 1989 Honda Accord LXi?
In Roman numerals LXI is equivalent to 61
It depends on the mileage, but this is what dealerships use to dtermine your cars worth before they buy it