An exclamation mark inside a triangle is a warning sign. This can be a warning sign on many devices including a car, a computer, or a cell phone.
This is a security feature installed on cars where the engine becomes immobilized when the wrong key is inserted into the ignition too many times.
It's a warning sign that you are low on coolant.
pull plug when car is craken up
Your car is locked
I dont no but is this the car, The vehicle Y681UDS, a Nissan Almera (5 Door Hatchback).
Car rides very low due to the weight of the explosives
What does the sign ABS in a car mean ?
the same u do on a normal car by zaid
The car diagnostic warning light is a warning indicator. This means that something is wrong with the vehicle and needs immediate attention.
warning light symbol of car with wrench in middle It means maintenance is required.
Time for scheduled maintenance.