Really it could be any number of reasons. From the lens being dirty, damaged wiring, alternator failing, or battery failing.
If it's dim it might not be a bad headlight, in fact it probably isn't the headlight. There are two possibilities that you might want to check. First, Honda often used separate fuses for each headlight. Make sure the headlight fuses are ok and that they aren't corroded. Next, make sure the ground wire for the dim headlight isn't corroded.
foglights work.dr side headlight works on bright but no dim. pass side bright gets dim.
If the passenger side headlight on a 2001 Chevy Impala is dim, it may be time to change the bulb, or there is a problem with the wiring on that side.
check the ground wire to that headlight .
Electrical drain on battery
Look at headlight lenses, if they are all clowdy, low beams will be dim and high beams will help Look at headlight lenses, if they are all clowdy, low beams will be dim and high beams will help Look at headlight lenses, if they are all clowdy, low beams will be dim and high beams will help
Twist the headlight switch.
Run a ground wire to that headlight. If it gets brighter, there is a problem with the ground in the wiring harness.
The headlight of yourÊ2003 Sunfire is probably dimming because the bulb is dying. ÊYou will need to have this bulb replaced.
You need to check your dimmer switch it is bad or not plugged in correctly.
You change the bulb for the right headlight the exactly same way as you changed the left only opposite. If you are replacing one headlight, even if the other still works it is best to replace them in pairs, for lights can dim and if you have a bright bulb and a dim bulb you could be in danger of distracting other drivers and causing an accident.