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Q: What does it mean when a lady sitting in front of you rubs her leg?
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What does it mean when a guy rubs his stomach in front of a girl?

I would not worry about it beause chances are it means nothing but his stomach iched.

What are good things about chocolate?

Lady Gaga rubs it on her boobs. LoLz not really!

Why does it mean if a guy friend rubs your back and your a girl?

If he rubs only your back, nothing to complain. Does he rub your back tenderly ? If so, it's a very sure sign that he loves you. Does he rub your back placed behind or in front of you ? There is a difference.

What does it mean when a guys rubs your ear?

it means he likes you = )

What does it mean when your dog rubs his butt on the ground and wont eat?

When he rubs his but on the floor,Could mean hes just itchy , Or has Worms ,And if hes not eating ., It's probably worms.

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What does it mean when a women rubs a man chest?

it means she is horny

What does it mean when a guy rubs his beard and face on yours?

he is showing you affection

What does it mean when a girl rubs her feet on yours?

It might mean that she feels intimate about you... or her feet are cold.

Where does Barbra Streisand rubs lemons on her elbows in Funny Girl film?

Fanny Brice rubs lemons on her elbows in the film Funny Lady, not Funny Girl. She and Billy Rose, played by James Caan, are on a train going to Fort Worth.

What does it mean when a cat never rubs against your leg does it mean they hate you?

No, it probably doesn't mean they hate you. Each cat has it's own personality. Some cats just don't like rubbing against your legs. But they can show they like you in different ways. Like sitting on your lap, purring, and other signs of happiness.

Can you run 14 wheels on the front and 15 on the rear 1972 nova?

as long as nothing hit or rubs-absolutely.