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You have bad luck!

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Q: What does it mean when a hawk flies into you car?
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Related questions

What is the significance if a Hawk flies over the roof of the car your wife is driving?

None whatsoever. You just saw a hawk, that is all.

What does it mean when a hawk lands on the hood of your car?


When was The Hawk Flies High created?

The Hawk Flies High was created in 1957.

What does a male red tail hawk that flies into your living room window and breaks it neck mean?

bad luck

What are the simularities between a hawk and a bat?

well a hawk has wings and flies during the day time and a bat also has wings but flies at night

What does it mean when a hawk flies on your terrace One year ago and again this year?

welcome to hogwards. just kidding (: i have no idea

Did Tony Hawk die in a car crash?

no... he's still alive, if you mean the world famous skateboarder...

What does it mean when a hawk flies up to your window?

Means someone in the family or nearby is serious or death of someone may occur in the family

What does it mean when a white dove flies in front of your car?

Nothing. It just flew in front of your car.

What kind car does Tony Hawk drive?

Tony hawk drives a BMW

How are bats and hawks different?

A hawk flies very fast

If hawk flies 120 kilometers in 2 hours at this average speed about how far can the hawk travel in 7 hours?