Time for a tune-up.
datsons stall when started up
Its broke - get a new car
maybr the headgasket goes bad or slow. it will also cause the car to overheat all the time.
Your car is not getting enough fuel if it hesitates to take off and shakes. The fuel filter might be plugged or you might have the wrong gas in your tank.
It is second guessing your ability to drive. ^funny. It means it's time to get a professional to look at it.If it only does it sometimes then telling the technician when that is most likely to occur can help a great deal.
Timing is off.
check the air intake
Hesitate means to wait or pause
your transmissions gone
Car sounds bogged down and hesitates to shift gears in lower two gears
it does that because it has either jumped time or ....jumped time ! :) :)