Its a slang term that generally means that "we" are going to look out for your best interests, or see that something you were responsible for getting done gets done. It means you are not going to be present and that in your absence "we" are taking care of your business, or covering for you until you return. It may be in regard to something work related or personal and "we" may tell a lie to cover for you in an attempt to keep you from getting in trouble.
Desserts are delicious, but I think you mean deserts, also "how many percent of the world" you mean to say: "what percentage of the earths surface is covered in deserts"
I think any good therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist would probably say, "What does it mean to YOU?".
It means that other people will help you or finish your job. For example if you are sweeping the floor and you go to the bathroom and you come back and someone else is sweeping, they might say I've got it covered. And what he or she means by that is they will finish your job
I have you covered
Dipped in chocolate
The correct phrase in English is "covered from head to toe."
To be covered with crust.
I've got you covered!
This does mean expenses are not covered by insurance. If this is what the divorce decree says, then you are responsible for these bills.
foods which sre covered in fats! foods which are covered in fats!
The cattles were covered with boils