

What does it mean to refute a claim?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does it mean to refute a claim?
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To refute a claim with a counterclaim, you must support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims.

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There is no evidence to confirm nor refute the claim that infants see spirits.

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To confirm/refute your understanding

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f i ask to you you is self asking to me that means you dono stupid

What is the plural of refute?

The plural of refute is refutes. As in "the company refutes the claims".

How do you write a sentence using the word refute?

The lawyer had no argument to refute the evidence against his client. Refute means to disprove.

What is the opposite of refute?

The opposite of refute is confirm or validate, meaning to support or prove true.

How do you put the word refute in a sentence?

I have nothing to refute your hypothesis.

What part of the ell theory could you use to refute his claim?

I could refute his claim by using the interactionist approach in the ELL theory, which emphasizes that language acquisition is influenced by both internal cognitive processes and external social interactions. This approach suggests that language development is not solely determined by innate abilities or environmental factors, but rather by a combination of both. By highlighting the complexity of language acquisition and the multiple factors involved, I can argue against his claim that it is solely a result of one specific factor.

Refute in a sentence?

Are you able to refute the testimony that the witness just presented.

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