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It could mean a couple of things. 1: Your carsradiator is going to crap. 2: something is wrong with the engine.

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Q: What does it mean if your middle console in your car is hot?
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If it got hot enough, yes.

What does it mean when a car is blowing hot air?

The AC isn't working.

Can you leave shotgun shells in a hot car?

Can you....I think you mean Can you 'SAFELY' leave shotgun shells in a hot car? The short answer is yes, but it will degrade the quality of the ammo.

What is the problem when your car hot water needle does work?

I assume you mean "When your hot water needle does NOT work." Thermostat.

What does it mean when a car gets hot but blows cold air?

The Air Conditioner is on

Why does your car loose a lot of water?

It can mean that the temperature is too hot or you have a bad radiator cap.

Why do car engines get hot?

Car engines get hot to run generally but if you mean over heated it means that your coolant level is low and you could go buy coolant or you could just fill it with water

When car get hot it stops?

If the engine is hot and the car stops that means it has over heated, it the car is hot in cabin then you may have a problem

How do I Remove washing machine console?

If you're talking about the tap console (my model is a Everhard Glo Tub Console) this is how to remove one: 1) Turn off water to console (both hot and cold). 2) Turn on the hot and cold taps and let them drain. 3) Look for two cover plates on the console. 4) Lift the cover plates off with a screwdriver. 5) Underneath the cover plates you should see a large screw head. 6) Remove the screws and the console should come off.

Why would car heater work but the defroster not clear the windows?

The heater is set on recirculate the air of the cabin. Set it on normal (from outside the car) You have to move a button on the console to take air from outside the car or else the air will be too moist from all the humidity that accumulates in the cabin. Also the engine temperature must be hot enough. I usually run my car at least 5 minutes driving it downtown before it is hot, during cold winter days.

Was it hot or cold in the middle colonies?

It was temperate in middle colonies