Guaratee has multiple meanings. the main meaning is an assurance that something will happen. The verb form would mean to promise that something will happen A guarantee is a formal promise of assurance that something will be repaired, replaced, paid for, etc.
"Guaranteed"- Jake and Amir
Perhaps you mean "nor was it guaranteed," nor combining "not" and "or." Success was never achieved, nor was it guaranteed.
absence of endorsement is guaranteed
A guaranteed balcony cabin means that you are guaranteed a cabin with a balcony for your cruise, but the cruise line reserves the right to assign a specific cabin at its discretion. This allows for potential upgrades, but also means you may not receive a specific location or cabin type.
You mean Jun? He survives(bungie guaranteed it), but his fate is unknown.
A guaranteed what?
...the comic charter? You mean Magna Carta. And go on Wikipedia. You don't deserve my answer
Dodge - Dead On Delivery Guaranteed Everytime
If your talking about an old type pocket watch it may referring to the gold plating that it has,guaranteed to wear ten or twenty years is usually found stamped on the inside of the watch case.
rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights must also be guaranteed by the states
Enlightenment Guaranteed was created in 2002.
Guaranteed Kill was created in 1996.