O2 sensor CKT slow response (bank 1 sensor 1).
Sounds like a tired B1S1 O2 sensor if all the connections are good.
Slow response from an O2 sensor - could be fouled or in need of replacement. A possible source of fouling is from the use of an aftermarket air filter that has been oiled beyond the manufacturer's recommendation.
OBD-1. 1995 was a changeover year. All 1995 cars/trucks (GM to my knowledge, I don't know about the other brands) were OBD-1 and some have an OBD-2 connector, but still are OBD-1.
The paper clip trick was a OBD I GM thing. For your 97 Ford you need a code reader for OBD II.
What does obd code P0740 mean
Catalytic converter efficiency failure, bank two. That would be the passenger side.
you need to recalabrate with a tech 2 at gm dealer Or you will have to replace the failed cam sensor.
The OBD2 plug for most GM vehicles is to the left or right of the steering column, at the bottom of the dashboard.
P1870 is a transmission slipping code I think P0133 is the left front sensor (drivers side) but i will check on that. For the transmission code the first thing to do is service the transmission and check for debris in the pan....more than a "tablespoon" rebuild the transmission.... according to GM bulletin. Try the service and keep your fingers crossed
You can usually borrow, rent or buy a GM OBD code scanner at most auto parts retailers. Since OBD2 has come out, the old version has been called "OBD1", but that's not what it was called when it was being used. The 1995 Eighty-Eight is a crossbreed. It uses the OBD-II connector but it is an OBD-I system. It appears that OBD-II code readers can handle this but I'm not positive.
plug a obd 2 code reader into your car and activate it.
OBD I, but for the most part, you can use OBD II