it can mean:
fast patrol craft
fedral prison camp
flight parademic certified
flexible printed circiut
forest products commision
fred page cup
free presbyterian church
front page challenge
fruity pad controller
Fist pump, push up, chap stick.
FPC - Fistpump, Pushup, Chapstick
Front panel connectors, like USB's and audio inputs
Faster payment credit Faster payment credit
FPC (Fixed Point Chart) of any TV channel is a schedule of programs of that particular tv-channel.
it stands for federal protection commission
Finite Population Correction.
[object Object]
It means "Fees Paid in Canada"
www.caringcircuit.comPCB & FPC Prototype and Medium Qty Specialist from China
If you mean to use personally, then yes. The FPC drum loop presets and drum samples are basically a guide, if you view the piano roll and see how it is created. You can load any sample you own legally into the FPC pads and recreate any beat you like. If you want to use the loops commercially, if the samples used are free for use, if it sounds good and it is original, then it is legal and you can probably copyright them yourself, provided the FPC module and FL Studio are legitimate and their commercial usage is permitted. Always remember that any music that is original, not plagurized in any way, samples included (unless with excplicit permission by the original artist or distributor/s), the usage of software, modules and plugins are legitimate or permitted, then it is legally yours free to do with as you see fit.
Fees paid abroad.
about 10 miles