In procurement and contract law FOB is free on board, i.e. no charges for getting to point of export
The button on the key fob generally does that for you.
have to replace from the dealer, because of the anti-theft system. Not True. I have a 2002 Mazda Millenia with anti-theft alarm factory installed. I simply ordered a key fob on line for about $30. bucks and it came with the instructions for how to program it. The dealer told me only THEY could do it ... at a cost of about $160.00! Wow big difference. My cheap key fob works GREAT!
A programmed RKE fob (remote) or a chipped key is required.
dealer does it, or use key fob
A programmed RKE fob (remote) or a chipped key is required.
if your anti-theft system is sounding (horn honking/lights flashing) you press the panic button on your key fob to shut it off. If your anti-theft system is armed ( but not triggered ) it is disarmed when you unlock the door(s) using your unlock button on your key fob, the key pad on the driver's door, or your key.
Free On Board (FOB)
if your anti-theft system is sounding (horn honking/lights flashing) you press the panic button on your key fob to shut it off. If your anti-theft system is armed ( but not triggered ) it is disarmed when you unlock the door(s) using your unlock button on your key fob, the key pad on the driver's door, or your key.
If your anti - theft system is sounding (horn honking/lights flashing) you can shut it off by pressing the panic button on your key fob.
You could call it making more work for the dealer. Anti theft reasons. Proprietary technology.
The factory alarm can not be disabled. It is reset by unlocking the car with the remote or with the key in the door.
If the theft light is on in your vehicle, it usually means there is an issue with the anti-theft system. To turn it off, you may need to reset the system by locking and unlocking the car with the key fob or key. If this doesn't work, you may need to have the system diagnosed and repaired by a professional.