Coming up behind a car at a faster speed and moving around said vehicle.
driving off the paved portion of the highway
That would be difficult to say because traffic laws and fines vary by state.
driving off the paved portion of the highway
Overtaking a bicycle means passing it while driving. To do so safely, give the cyclist plenty of space, signal your intention to pass, and only overtake when it is safe to do so without endangering the cyclist or other road users.
That you are crossing starboard to starboard or overtaking to port side. (you are passing on YOUR starboard side)
Passing....that would be the passing lane...
No. If the vehicle you are passing is going at the correct speed, why should you need to overtake. When overtaking a vehicle you should ensure there is enough clear road ahead of you to pass the vehicle without over speeding. If this is not the case you should not attempt an overtaking manoeuvre.
no overtaking
Under all circumstances. You always pass on the left side of the road.
The length of an overtaking lane can depend on a number of factors. First, and in most cases, the length of the passing lane will be determined by the topography of the road in question. While lengths will vary they will be clearly marked and will give you adequate warning before ending.
No passing when driving in that direction while it is solid.
In the UK, you are allowed 15 minor faults.