Usually, it is the shortcut to save the document.
EG: save as
Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-S
ctrl+s is used to save the document.
Ctrl and S. Just press and hold Ctrl (Control) and press the S key.
The key combination CTRL S is the shortcut/hotkey for Save.
[CTRL]+C is achieved by holding CTRL while pressing C.
Cut Ctrl X Past Ctrl C Copy Ctrl V Save Ctrl S
ctrl+s saves your open file ctrl+a selects all ctrl+f searches a page crrl+t opens a new tab
u press ctrl+s or ctrl+c (not sure), for general chat, try it
Ctrl + Z is the default undo command and Ctrl + Y is redo. Here are a few others from the top of my memory: Ctrl + Q = Quit Ctrl + W = Close window Ctrl + O = Open Ctrl + P = Print Ctrl + A = Select all Ctrl + S = Save Ctrl + X = Cut Ctrl + C = Copy Ctrl + V = Paste Ctrl + N = New
there r MANY...but here r a few new = ctrl + n save = ctrl + s select all = ctrl +a copy = ctrl + c cut = ctrl + x paste ctrl + v underline = ctrl + u italics = ctrl + i bold = ctrl + b