Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance issue...
This DTC is usually cause by a faulty coolant senor, but can also mean that your engine's thermostat is malfunctioning.
Trouble code P0116 means: Engine coolant temperature circuit range/performance problem
Trouble code P0116 means:Engine coolant temperature circuit range/performance problem
The P0116 is a coolant temperature sensor trouble code. The most likely cause is a bad sensor, also check for corrosion on the connector and for broken or frayed wires. It is located in the coolant housing on the rear of the engine, be careful not to break the plastic clips that hold the sensor and note there is an o-ring that goes in place before the sensor.
Trouble code P0116 means:Engine coolant temperature circuit range/performance problem
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An open thermostat would keep the engine from heating up to normal operating temperature. The sensors effected can only report what they sense. The "check engine" light may throw a code like "P0116" (engine coolant temperature circuit range/performance problem).
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