(Brunt originally meant the main force of something.)"The clerical department will face the brunt of the employee layoffs.""The cities along the coast bore the brunt of the Viking attacks."
When the truck hit us, the kids in the back seat bore the brunt of the impact. When Dad has a bad day at work, he yells a lot and Mom bears the brunt of it.
The Chinese
Confederate General Longstreet
Moses, Aaron, and God where the targets of the Israelite grumblings.
Chinese Railroad men
bore the brunt of unemployment during business depressions. Henretta, pg. 269.
It basically means that he has the name.
Katherine Brunt was born in 1985.
Maureen Brunt was born in 1982.
David Brunt died in 1965.
William Brunt was born in 1902.