cool fine by me
an auto bio mio is a novel or a story which isrelevantto your life just usingdifferentnames for example say you were writing about you mother and her name wasJoanbut you called herJillin your story .
it means life or like earth our life
someone answer this and give me a mini bio and i mean mini plz
From the word bio, Bio means life and logy mean knowledge.
Auto means self, bio means life and graphy means to write.
Bio- means life. I find no actual meaning for unbio- except meaning no life or dead.
Bio is short for biography or biology. It is also a poison spell in Final Fantasy.
no not automatically. A grandparent is more likely to get custody.
it means living things
there are several meanings for it depending on the context or situation in an online game Bio means you need to go to the bathroom, Bio-hazard or Bio means Biological like germs and viruses