The word authorization has five syllables. (au-thor-i-za-tion)
The word "author" is divided into two syllables as: au-thor.
There are 2 syllables. Au-thor.
Thor means Thunder.
Thor-peng-Thong has written: 'La thalassemie au Cambodge' -- subject(s): Medicine, Thalassemia
It means thunder. It comes from Norse mythology and Thor is the god of thunder.
There are four syllables in the word "authority" (au-thor-i-ty).
Thorsdagr means "Thor's Day" or "Thunder's Day".
Answer: paz marquez benitez, she was the au thor o.k.
it means son of thor
In medicine, AU means in in both ears, UN means in both nostrils; in geography AU means Australia, while UN means United Nations.
"au collège" means 'in [junior] high school' in French.