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It pretty much means as it says. Reasonable is defined as what the average person of the general public would deem prudent and commonly acceptable under a given circumstances.

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Q: What does as soon as reasonably possible mean in an insurance policy?
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If it is health insurance quote. It means Each Employee

What does effective policy date mean?

The Policy effective date is the date that your insurance coverage started under that policy.

Can you take out another policy when on mobility for another car?

Presuming you mean Insurance policy, then Yes you can.

What does it mean to have a standardized insurance policy?

An insurance policy would be called standardized, when it covers all the salient international features/standards as laid down by the insurance authority of the country.

What is the cash value in an insurance policy mean?

The cash value is the amount of money your insurance policy is worth to the owner of the policy if the insurance is cancelled and the policy terminated. The insurance company will mail a check to the to the policy owner upon policy termination or cancellation by request of the owner. I would strongly encourage you to consult a professional in your area before cancelling an existing policy. There may be other options and alternatives to access the value of the policy without cancelling the insurance policy.

What does hazard insurance mean in a mortgage?

It's referencing your House insurance. Homeowners insurance is also known as a Home Hazard Insurance Policy.

What do you mean by insurance coverage?

You have insurance coverage if you paid the premium required for that policy. The coverage will pay appropriate types of claims during the period of time of that policy.

Your life insurance policy was approved with a caveant what does this mean?

You mean either covenant or caveat. Either way, you should contact the issuer of the policy.

What does insurance provision mean?

Insurance provision means the conditionality to be adhered to by both the insured and the insurer,as embedded in an insurance policy bond.

If you let a life insurance policy lapse and then later have it reinsted how long do you have to wait before you can sell that life insurance policy?

What do you mean "Sell" the life insurance policy? Once it is back in force and you are the owner, you can cash it in at any time if there is in fact a cash value. I guess you would have to better define what you mean by selling it.

What does life insurance units mean?

An insurance policy that pays a monetary benefit to the insured person's survivors after death.