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They must let you know with enough time prior to the cancel date, (which is different than a non-renew, cancelling rarely occurs), for you to seek coverage else where.

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Q: What does an insurer have to to do before they can cancel an auto insurance policy?
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After a claim can you still use your insurance policy?

An insurance policy should still remain valid for the remaining term following a claim providing that the claim is such that it does not require the insurer to cancel the policy. You should check with your insurer.

Are you obligated once you sign a life insurance application?

No, you are not obligated. You can cancel your life insurance policy at any time. Usually, there is a "Free Look" Period for life insurance that lasts anywhere from 10-30 days where you can return your life insurance policy to the insurer and get a full refund of premiums paid. Review your life insurance policy and ask your agent, or insurer, about this option before canceling your life insurance policy.

Is your insurance void if your license is suspended?

Generally NO. If your insurer wishes to cancel your policy they are required to notify you prior to cancellation.

Why do insurance companies cancel your policy once you have a claim?

It is very rare that an insurer would cancel your policy after a single claim unless the insurer determines that the claim was the result of some severe negligence or a persistent moral hazard such as lack of maintenance. Multiple claims however are another matter. Excessive claims activity usually will result in the companies reassessment of the risk factors associated with a homeowners insurance policy.

How to cancel my progressive policy?

If you ask your insurance company to cancel your policy, they will.

Do you have to provide life insurance for your x-wife?

No. If you had life insurance before you got divorce, you can cancel the policy.

How many accidents does it take for an insurance company to drop you?

If your insurer can demonstrate that you present a substantially different risk than that to which they originally agreed, they can cancel your policy. There is no 'magic' number.

What is the difference between insured and insurer?

The insured is the person or entity who is covered by the insurance policy. The insurer is the entity (insurance company)that pays to, or on behalf, of the insured for a covered loss. That which is covered by the policy is set forth in the insurance policy.

What is The different between insurer and insured?

The insured is the person or entity who is covered by the insurance policy. The insurer is the entity (insurance company)that pays to, or on behalf, of the insured for a covered loss. That which is covered by the policy is set forth in the insurance policy.

How can i find out if i had insurance with you?

You should review your insurance policy. The name of your insurer will be displayed on your policy declarations page.

Does a standard homeowners insurance policy cover the death of the insurer?

No, Homeowners Insurance does not provide the coverage of a life insurance policy.

Would a general liability Insurer cancel a policy after an audit upon finding out the company did not report all employees?

It would depend on how the policy was written as to whether or not a general liability insurer would cancel a policy after an audit where they found out that the company did not report all employees.