You can get great warranties through bank lenders. You will pay an additional fee, but your car is going to have the additional coverage on it as well.
The extended auto warranty is worth buying for a 2004 Mazda Tribute with 55,000. Most extended guaranties cover the vehicle up to 100,000 miles.
An extended auto warranty is a type of insurance. When the manufacturer's warranty expires, an extended warranty picks up to provide coverage of certain expenses relative to the repair of the vehicle. There are all kinds of extended-coverage auto warranties, each with various allowances, restrictions, etc. Be careful to read the fine print and understand exactly what the warranty offers. The purpose of an auto extended warranty is to increase the time to a regular warranty on cars. Thank you.
A service agreement known as an extended auto warranty programs provides maintenance and repairs for a car after the original manufacturer's warranty expires. It gives owners piece of mind by providing financial security against unforeseen mechanical failures and expensive repair costs. Generally speaking, extended warranties cover more specific auto components and systems, however the specifics of the coverage might change significantly based on the provider and plan selected.
The benefits of having an extended warranty for a car is if you are in a car accident the warranty will cover the cost damages. To get a car warranty you can go to a site called
The Willis Report - 2011 Is an Auto Extended Warranty Worth It was released on: USA: 5 May 2013
If you are in need of information of extended auto warranty companies you should check out the dmv website of for the country you are in. This is the most reliable source.
The best extended warranties usually come from the auto makers themselves. You can also get extended warranties from insurance companies and also independent auto warranty companies.
You can go to,,, Car Tips & Advice Auto Warranty
When searching for an extended warranty for a vehicle, it is important to consider the reputation of the company offering it. A warranty is only as good as the company behind it.
Fox Business - 2007 Is an Auto Extended Warranty Worth It The Willis Report was released on: USA: 3 May 2013
Yes, I purchased an Extended Auto Warranty thru them. My transmission blew 4 months after getting the warranty, a $3,000 repair and the warranty paid for it with no issues. I would highly recommend Allied Auto Warranty and Dan Ferguson.
Extended automobile warranty cover issues with car that happen after the legal warranty already expired. The actual length of legal warranty depends on the country, so buying an extended warranty may or may not be advised. It depends also on the question, what exactly is covered by the extended warranty, since some issues might by explicitly excluded.