RGN refers to the trailer - it means Removable Goose Neck. The neck of the trailer detaches from the body of the trailer, and equipment is driven onto and off of the trailer from the front. These are usually referred to as lowboy trailers, but could be beam trailers or pontoon trailers, as well.
Registered Mental Nurse (RMN), Registered General Nurse (RGN)
It means a Removable Goose Neck.
Registered General Nurse
You could drive it (or have someone else do it), you could rail load it, you could contract a tractor-trailer to transport it (depending on exactly what it is, this could require either a stepdeck trailer or an RGN lowboy).
By truck, on a truck.
RN - Registered Nurse - is the higher of the two.
A RGN is a registered general nurse. A RMN is a registered mental nurse. Both qualifications are qualified nurses, but work in different fields one working in general health the other in psychiatry.
By truck, on a truck.
It means truck.
A cheap truck can mean many things. A new truck bought on sale, a stripped-down model, and old truck in questionable condition can all be considered a cheap truck.
The airport code for Yangon International Airport is RGN.
Work truck