Altor is a Latin term which means a foster father or someone who raises some else's child. Alter, however, means to change something, either in appearance or substance.
The population of Altor Networks is 2.
Altor Networks's population is 50.
Altor Networks was created in 2007.
The population of Altor Equity Partners is 25.
Altor Equity Partners was created in 2003. has a wonderful guide.
It's good... thanks for asking...
a starfish,you find it somewhere in hades temple i believe
use ampharos which has electric powers to fry the circuit, thus stopping the circuit.
It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.
de- means from, down, outdeca- means tendemi- means halfdi- means two, doubledia- means through acrossdis- means apart, out, notdorn- means sleepdys- means baddin- means terribledino- means terribledeci- means tenth
M means movementR means respirationN means nutritionI means iritationG means growthE means excretionR means reproductionD means dirth and birth