Allargando - slowing, but also broadening. Not just getting slower but getting grander as well.
hey sup man first of all i wud just like to correct you it is not allagrando it is allargando and the meaning of this word is broadening, becoming a little slower each time
Con Brio
There are a few musical terms that start with the letter "a": accent, accelerando, accidental, adagio, allargando, allegretto, allegro, andante, andantino, atonal
It is called Diminuendo. It's actually called Rallentando ... diminuendo is a dynamic control indicating to start playing softer (quieter).
Greatly slowing down is an English equivalent of 'Molto allargando'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'MOHL-toh ahl-lahr-GAHN-doh'.In the word by word translation, the adverb 'molto' means 'very much, a lot'. The present participle 'allargando'means 'slowing down'. And that's exactly what's supposed to happen to the music when this directive is given or written.
There are several markings to indicate a decrease in tempo such as: ritardando, (often written as rit., or ritard.) rallentando, (rall.) tardando slentando slendendo strascinando allargando, (allarg.)
he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.