The 2008 Hummer H3
Gross vehicle weight is 6001 lbs
Curb weight is 4700 lbs (H3 Alpha 4851 lbs)
Maximum payload is 1150 lbs
The 2008 Hummer H2
Gross vehicle weight is 8600 lbs
Curb Weight is 6614 lbs
Maximum payload is 2200 lbs
7848 lbs.
The vehicle wheight is 6001 pounds for the 2008 Hummer , curb wheight would be 4700 lb.
A Hummer will weigh as much as 6000 pounds. The armor plating can add 8000 pounds, giving the vehicle a total weight of 14,000 pounds.
The weight varies slightly based on model year, but the approximate gross vehicle weight of a Hummer H2 is 6,600 pounds. It is lighter than its predecessor, the Hummer H1.
It doesn't, it weighs approx. 6,600lbs. depending on options.
too many lol Fred Watson bunny (\__/) decapitated (='.'=)
The weight of a H2 Hummer 18 passenger limousine is approximately 8,600 to 9,000 pounds.
They weigh roughly about 90-95 lbs each. That is a 17" stock wheel with a BFG tire.
I assume you mean Hummer. No, a Hummer is not a Jeep. The Hummer or Humvee replaced the Jeep in the U.S. Military.
William Hummer's birth name is William Bruce Hummer.
The defintion of an RC HUMMER H2 is a toy radio controlled Hummer H2. A Hummer H2 is a large SUV resembling the Hummer tanks that they use in the army. It is actually the 2nd Hummer that was manufactured and although the Hummer H2 is smaller than the first one it is still very large.