The knock sensor retards the engine timing when there is a knock or ping detected. This will make the car a little sluggish. It is rare that the knock sensor goes bad.
if a knock gos bad can your car go off
depends on the car but most retard the timing
yes, it is protecting the motor from damage.
you will have a knock sensor code and the car will run slugish. when a knock sesor code is set its retards the timing so the engine will not detonate. the easyiest way to fix it is relocating the sensor.
Not much goes wrong with them! if your car is pinging under load this may be a bad knock sensor, but if you tap the block with a small hammer & the idol seems to change or the timing wanders this is the knock sensor failing. if the idol doesn't change this is a bigger issue
Yes it can hurt your engine to drive with a bad knock sensor. The knock sensor should be replaced as soon as possible.
No it will not. The knock sensor is used to adjust the timing.
Yes, you should always run your vehicle with its Knock sensor.
If the sensor it'self is bad then NO.
The sensor is bad. A properly-functioning knock sensor allows the ECM to advance timing until it senses a knock. It then retards timing until the knock just barely goes away allowing for optimal gas mileage.