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looks like a honeycomb style grid device in the air tube.

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Q: What does a car airflow sensor look like?
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How do you run your car without a mass airflow sensor?

You don't.

Where is the mass airflow sensor on a 2001 olds alero?

It is important to know the location of all the car parts when owning a car. The mass airflow sensor in a 2001 Olds Alero is towards the back of the engin, near the air intake, under most of the tubes and wiring.Ê

How do you know when your air mass sensor is going?

A symptom that the mass airflow sensor is going is that the car has idle, or rpm problems. If your is starting to get inaccurate reads from the airflow sensor, I'll will make improper adjustments to the air/fuel mixture. One way to troubleshoot this is to disconnect the airflow sensor and see if the rpm / idle improves, as this causes the computer to use a default reading because there is no communication with the sensor.

Will the mass airflow sensor that is not working correct cause car to lack power?

yes it may not run at all

How do you install a mass air flow sensor for Lincoln Town car?

Need a price on the part map airflow sensor fo 2000 Ls V6

Why a 1994 Lincoln town car hesitates pops and sputters at 5 mph until driven or coasting a half mile then run fine?

Sounds like mass airflow sensor

Why does my car rumble and shake at idle and very slow speeds but run fine after some acceleration?

Check the Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF Sensor). Either it is dirty or damaged.

Why would your car stall when you turn off the ac?

Your mass airflow sensor could be bad or your exaust gas recirculation valve.

How do you fix a 1997 Grand Am that idles hard and keeps dying if auto repair is required how much would it cost?

Chances are its a bad throttle position sensor or mass airflow sensor.To check the mass airflow sensor simply unplug it & run the car if it acts the same then probably the tps.

Could my 1998 Chrysler cirrus 2.7 have mass air sensor problems if the car does not start whenever it rains a few hours after the rain stops it starts right up?

Your car does not have a mass airflow sensor. It does sound like you are getting moisture in some electrical component. The first step would be to check the car for check engine light codes.

Why does your 1993 town car run rough until it is warmed up?

i had the same problem ; first my air filter was torn , when i replaced it my car ran better but still not right then i bought CRC mass airflow cleaner and cleaned the mass airflow sensor and now it runs perfect

Why does the car starts and idles but does not rev up please help you?

If a car starts and idles but does not accelerate can be numerous problems such as a malfunctioning throttle position sensor, fuel regulator, Manifold Airflow sensor or vacuum leak. A diagnostics test will reveal what is malfunctioning and needs to be repaired.