It means your vision is obscured and could result in a ticket. And sunlight reflecting off of it can distract both the driver and drivers of other vehicles.
a CD or a Mirror. and why?
Use a CD or a mirror
it mean there is no CD so make sure there is a CD in there
he is in LA hanging and getting ready for the tour and the CD release
It means there is no disk in the CD player.
If you mean CD like CD player, then no.
You have misheard the words - you mean "rip CD" not "rib CD".If you "rip" a CD then you are making a copy of it onto either another blank CD or some other medium.
compact disk
CD = 400
Programmable CDs mean that the CD can be customized for a number of applications.
mirror,ufo,stereo,music city,asian cd,classic cd,jeans,cap,rock cd,slide,plant,pop cd,rnb cd,pencil,skirt,latin cd,diet drink,hip hop cd,sunglasses,shovel,chest,mocha coustume,spot coustume,bow,
It's a hidden track after 'When Will This End' on the Take A Look In The Mirror album.